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renal tubule造句

"renal tubule"是什么意思  
  • These renal tubules contain large amounts of hemosiderin , as demonstrated by an iron stain
  • At high magnification , the lymphocytes and plasma cells are seen around a renal tubule in a renal transplant patient with acute cellular rejection
  • Stevioside may also act as a calcium antagonist , showing a hypotensive effect and inducing diuresis , natriuresis and a fall in reabsorption of glucose in the renal tubules
  • Stevioside may also act as a calcium antagonist , showing a hypotensive effect and inducing diuresis , natriuresis and a fall in reabsorption of glucose in the renal tubules
  • In these studies , gsh - depleted research animals had significant damage to the renal tubules ( 7 ) , which is the main source of gsh - px activity in the plasma ( 8 )
    (研究7 )对动物的实验发现谷胱甘肽的耗竭会严重损坏肾小管, (研究8 )指出肾小管是血浆里谷胱甘肽过氧化酶活力的主要来源。
  • To optimize renal substitution therapy , a bioartificial renal tubule assist device ( rad ) was developed , which is composed of renal proximal tubule cells grown within a hollow fiber cartridge
    生物人工肾小管辅助装置( bioartificialrenaltubuleassistdevice , rad )就是利用“组织工程学”原理,通过生物学与工程学的结合构建出的能模拟正常肾小管生理功能的一种人工器官装置。
  • The major composition of crystals is calcium oxalate , it crystallizes with very different crystallization kinetics , e . g . monodinic monolydrate ( com ) , tetragonal dihydtate ( cod ) and triclinic trihydrate ( cot ) . com is easy to form urinary stones because it has stronger affinity for renal tubule cell membranes than cod , cot
    其中,晶体的主要成分是草酸钙,主要有三种类型:一水草酸钙( com ,单斜晶系) ,二水草酸钙( cod ,四方晶系) ,三水草酸钙( cot ,三斜晶系) ,其中com与肾小管表皮细胞黏附力最强,是草酸钙型尿结石的主要成分。
  • It's difficult to see renal tubule in a sentence. 用renal tubule造句挺难的
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